Shares of Fake Meat Company Crash 19% as Public Rejects Bioengineered Slop
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One of the main reasons for so many wimpy soyboys these days.
I see it on the menu in more restaurants these days but I wonder how many orders they really get.
Commercially raised meats are from animals fed/injected with estrogen. It puts weight on the animal$. Then there's the plastics that are xenoextrogens...........
Soy is very damaging to the thyroid gland. Yes, there is estrogen in some animal products that should not be there. I would wonder how much estrogen your body was producing while it was only receiving vegetarian fare. Phytoestrogens are what you would find in material such as soy, a substance totally unfit for human or animal nutritional needs. You might be interested in learning about real food and nutrition. is a wonderful website where a rich education awaits.
Hyperthyroidism used to be treated with fluoride.....poison, as is soy. Have you been to to see what they might offer?
The body can very easily assimilate optimum nutrition thru natural sources like vegetables, fruits, meats, berries, nuts etc. The problems arise with the chemicals that are added to all manufactured foods. Learn to read the ingredient list on products you purchase. If it contains stuff you cannot even pronounce the product is not good for you. The problem with most products today is that they contain soy which is not easily digested by the body and lots of different sugars and chemicals. Most all soy products on the shelf are GMO and the various sugars are made from GMO corn. Soy can only be digested properly if it has been fermented and the excess sugars feed bacteria and cancer cells in the body. If a person's diet mainly consists of manufactured, premade foods the body does not know what to do with the chemical ingredients because it is not created to process these chemicals and so it stores them which is why people gain weight and become sick. Skip the lattes and drink some green smoothies or berry smoothies. Make yourself a big pot of soup putting whatever veggies and spices you want in it but no meat. Eat that for a week or 2 as much as you want and I guarantee you will lose weight and feel good. A person does not need much meat in their diet. The body only requires enough to maintain your B12 levels. This is why true vegetarians require B12 shots every 3 months. 3 ounces of meat every 7 to 10 days is enough. BTW I am a Registered Holistic Nutritionist.
If you don't mind my asking, what health problems were you having? Did going paleo-ish make any difference? I'm vegetarian and don't have any problems, but I would like to not develop any. What have you settled on?