Note that this is a Russian soldier (look closely at his medals). Street actually closely resembles an area from Stalingrad near the Univermag, at least that's what it looks like from my recollection. Wonder how dated the picture is? Not many WW2 vets left. Even if they were 18 in 1944, anyone left is in their late 90s+.
Nothing against the message. Honesty, nothing against the former Soviet soldier. Most soldiers, regardless of the country they fight for, end up being manipulated and exploited by their overlords for evil agendas. Have sympathy for all of these poor souls and their shared bravery, honor, commitment to duty and love of country. Hang the real evil puppet masters
If he is a vet of the Battle of Stalingrad its impossible to overstate his achievement. He fought in a great battle that determined the course of human history. Had that battle been lost, the USSR would have fallen and the nazis would have had access to all of Russia's oil and its millions of men to draft to into service by force. Its impossible to know for sure what would have happened, but WW2 might have taken a wildly different turn. Stalingrad was the largest battle in history bar none, and one of its most important.
And in Stalingrad, largely it was reservists and freshly drafted conscripts with shit equipment joined by the rear echelons of the Red army, and Red air force, fighting the largest, best equipped, and most elite units the Nazis had, while the nazis were still fresh in the war, and running top-level high morale after winning a string of crushing victories that stunned the world.
Had even 1 bomb, or 1 artillery shell land on the famous T34 factory at Stalingrad the USSR would have been crushed in the war, left cripped and unable to manufacture their war-winning tank, and yet somehow fresh drafted farmer with 5 minutes of training crushed the best equipped, best trained, highest morale military force in the world at the time, the infamous Nazi SS.
And they NEEDED that factory. As the war progressed onwards it would build 55,000 tanks that were needed to replace battle losses to the nazis.
And I believe its fully possible to sing the praise of the common soviet solider even if Stalin was evil. Stalin didn't win the BoS, it was men like these, ordinary people who wanted to live in peace but answered the call to defend their homelands.
When order followers will bring you to a FEMA camp someday. Wonder if you will feel the same about the communists then. Stunning and Brave right? Disgusting
Note that this is a Russian soldier (look closely at his medals). Street actually closely resembles an area from Stalingrad near the Univermag, at least that's what it looks like from my recollection. Wonder how dated the picture is? Not many WW2 vets left. Even if they were 18 in 1944, anyone left is in their late 90s+.
Nothing against the message. Honesty, nothing against the former Soviet soldier. Most soldiers, regardless of the country they fight for, end up being manipulated and exploited by their overlords for evil agendas. Have sympathy for all of these poor souls and their shared bravery, honor, commitment to duty and love of country. Hang the real evil puppet masters
If he is a vet of the Battle of Stalingrad its impossible to overstate his achievement. He fought in a great battle that determined the course of human history. Had that battle been lost, the USSR would have fallen and the nazis would have had access to all of Russia's oil and its millions of men to draft to into service by force. Its impossible to know for sure what would have happened, but WW2 might have taken a wildly different turn. Stalingrad was the largest battle in history bar none, and one of its most important.
And in Stalingrad, largely it was reservists and freshly drafted conscripts with shit equipment joined by the rear echelons of the Red army, and Red air force, fighting the largest, best equipped, and most elite units the Nazis had, while the nazis were still fresh in the war, and running top-level high morale after winning a string of crushing victories that stunned the world.
Had even 1 bomb, or 1 artillery shell land on the famous T34 factory at Stalingrad the USSR would have been crushed in the war, left cripped and unable to manufacture their war-winning tank, and yet somehow fresh drafted farmer with 5 minutes of training crushed the best equipped, best trained, highest morale military force in the world at the time, the infamous Nazi SS.
And they NEEDED that factory. As the war progressed onwards it would build 55,000 tanks that were needed to replace battle losses to the nazis.
And I believe its fully possible to sing the praise of the common soviet solider even if Stalin was evil. Stalin didn't win the BoS, it was men like these, ordinary people who wanted to live in peace but answered the call to defend their homelands.
When order followers will bring you to a FEMA camp someday. Wonder if you will feel the same about the communists then. Stunning and Brave right? Disgusting
You can honor the people who stopped nazis without supporting Stalin you dimwit.
It would be like calling YOU a democrat beaus Joe Biden is in power right now.
You support communism i see.