I've been watching the whole thing through. This is a miscarriage of the law in the highest order.
The prosecution are gaslighting the judge, and the defense are letting them.
Kyle's defense has basically abandoned him and wouldn't even object to the prosecution coming out and saying the sky is green and that's why Kyle Rittenhouse shot 90 black men in cold blood while blasting "let the bodies hit the floor."
The judge has numerous times said in statement things completely favorable to Rittenhouse and has even yelled at the prosecution for their bullshit and then immediately rules against HIS OWN LOGIC!
Things are going very bad for Kyle, and I'm not overstating it.
It was the defense's case to lose, and they seem content with losing to the fantasy presented by the prosecution.
The largest affront to reality is how the prosecution is claiming Kyle provoked Rosenbaum by pointing his gun at Ziminski, which Rosenbaum didn't know nor has it been proven he realized that had happened.
They are creating this fantasy because they have drone footage that came in only last Friday that they have blown up and is so blurry it makes Kyle look left handed, but somehow that's good enough to show Kyle pointed his gun at Ziminski.
No one in their right mind could look at a video where Kyle is less than 10 pixels and decide he held his gun up for a fraction of a second, but that's where we are. The prosecution basically convinced the judge that a shit stain on some paper towel shows that it will rain tomorrow, and the defense just lets them do it.
This is a travesty, and it opens up the prosecution to gaslight the jury like they have gaslit the judge.
In a world that makes sense, this case would have been dismissed on day two.
The world doesn't make sense, though.
Yeah I mean all the shit they are trying to charge him with, meanwhile the other dude that was shot in the arm, zero charges at all, felon with a concealed weapon and was about to use it to murder someone..... zero charges, in fact star witness for the state.
I mean they don't need to take away the guns, they'll just let the left use them with impunity, the right will be thrown in prison and jail for using them lawfully.... this is 100% what is coming.