I circumcised my first son, because I didn't know anything else. But I saw it happen & it was awful. Then I had to clean & bandage it daily until it healed. I decided that I wouldn't do it again. I was a young mom then, just 20.
I had my next son as an older mom around 35. I didn't get him circumcised. I decided that I'd let him make that decision on his own, if it was necessary. He's 17 now & as far as I know, it doesn't seem to be a problem.
My dad didn't get circumcised until he was up in age. Not sure why.
I circumcised my first son, because I didn't know anything else. But I saw it happen & it was awful. Then I had to clean & bandage it daily until it healed. I decided that I wouldn't do it again. I was a young mom then, just 20.
I had my next son as an older mom around 35. I didn't get him circumcised. I decided that I'd let him make that decision on his own, if it was necessary. He's 17 now & as far as I know, it doesn't seem to be a problem.
My dad didn't get circumcised until he was up in age. Not sure why.