If you unironically have fallen for the flat earth CIA psyop, there is one easy experiment you can do to prove yourselves wrong.
Step 1: buy GPS enabled go-pro
Step 2: buy high altitude capable balloon
Combine the two, watch the balloon go up, track where it lands, watch the footage for yourself and free yourself from Mockingbird bondage.
For a little extra, you can configure a live feed system and watch everything in real time all under your control! Yes, it really is that simple!!!
The Coriolis Effect shuts flat earth theory down in it's tracks. The Coriolis Effect is why storms in the north and south hemisphere spin in different directions.
You can also point to the fact that it's night time in Alaska for 6 months of the year and then daylight for 6 months a year. That's a tuffy for a flat earth model.
Lunar eclipses would also look funny with earth only casting a side view disk shape on the moon. The man on the moon gets a mustache I guess.
Lots of fun for about 30 seconds
FYI, this whole thing comes from the book of Enoch which was not included in the compilation of books that we now call the bible. I think God would have made sure that it was included if he wanted it there. Most flat earther's are Christian, so they don't like that argument either. Knowing their intentions are good, and I believe they are, I tend to leave them alone.
Their intentions are unimportant. The road to Hell is paved with good intentions. What they lack is acceptance of the truth of God's creation. The creation is God's word incarnate as much as Jesus is. They would rather go on a pharisee head trip than simply see what is around them.
No. Fuck that. Wrong is wrong and needs to be called out.
Also Enoch is canon. The Bible is not perfect nor the end all be all. It is a key that opens the door to a vast spiritual realm. But it has been perverted and bastardized over the years. But the parts that matter most made it through.