One of the Saddest Teen Casualties of Bad ‘Vaccine’ Policy Was Revealed in Latest VAERS Drop
⚠️ Vax-tarded ☠️
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The nazi's kept extensive records. Documenting your triumphs is part of the satanic creed.
Yeah there obsessed with DATA
OMG DATA they get horny for it because it's fodder to lie with factz
Q showing how the vatican and Vanderbuilt family displayed Nazi symbolism
Q showing how Hitler defunded police just like today's democrat party
Q asking us to study Naziism and compare it to ANTIFA, the push for Naziism with the push for socialism
Q saying ANTIFA flag mimics Nazi flag and asked if it is a coincidence
Q saying Naziism was never destroyed, just repurposed as today's democrat party / socialism push / ANTIFA.
Stop sucking Hitler's cock on Greatawakening. Nobody here wants newcomers to Q thinking we want anything to do with you faggots.
Fuck Hitler.
Explain Hitler's daughter in Germany ushering in the Kalergi plan at warp speed. Why do you support a family who is "genociding whites", as you Nazitards like to put it?
Q is against Naziism. Q is also against the Rothschild family. You'd have to be a complete imbecile or completely new to Q to think otherwise.
You're nothing but a consensus cracker, sent here to comingle with Q researchers and spout off fucked up ideas in order to muddy the water and confuse newcomers to Q.
He was a monster!!! Not human, nor were his minions.
Where on earth did you learn history?!?!? Or shall I say, on what planet?
I would suggest they learned it somewhere breakfast is not served: