posted ago by Flammenwerfer ago by Flammenwerfer +21 / -1

Screenshot this.

If Kyle walks there’s a great chance he’ll get suicided by some enraged elite. There are several reasons that they would do this.

<To stop him from suing everyone’s pants off.

<To stop him from becoming a gun rights hero.

<To send a message.

<To ensure nobody else gets the same idea.

<To get revenge.

Or hell, just out of pure sadism.

Letting Kyle live his life would do too much damage. Assuming they don’t manage to get him in jail, this is a likely course of action for whoever’s behind the scenes.

Don’t doubt for a second they wouldn’t do this, children and teens are not off limits for the oligarchs. They want fear among us and have no limit to how far they’ll go to send a scare.

The elite at this point are almost openly flexing their power over the minds of the masses at this point. John McAfee is a testament to this. Few question his death now.

The plan would be as follows: Kill Kyle with a shot to the front of his head with an AR similar or if same model to the one he used in the riots. Back of the head wouldn’t work because he doesn’t have a pistol. Disguise it under the pretense of PTSD (i.e for some reason he couldn’t live with himself after killing those jews). The media of course would be all in on the coverup. They might also just commit the murder out in the open and set up some random antifag as the fall guy, though this is unlikely.

Screenshot this.