446 Quick graph - New Zealand vaccinations (green) and covid cases (blue) (media.greatawakening.win) posted 3 years ago by arathyra 3 years ago by arathyra +447 / -1 91 comments download share 91 comments share download save hide report block hide replies
Google's data.
"Pandemic of the vaccinated"
But the media will never point it out, nor will enough people be able to put the dots together when shown the data.
But the chuck with a duck tills me the vexes are suck is.
Cher from across the Dutch, Hebrew. Feeling it here too.
I interpret your words my brother! NQ born and bred lad here with Rotorua Mother may she RIP ❤️
Wow. Being a tech klutz don't suppose you have a link. Cannot find graph and cannot share this through messenger. Cheers buddy.
If you search google (yes I know) for any location + covid it will provide you the data. Not sure without checking where they get their numbers.
Thanks I'll give it a go :).
I haven't taken the time but it would be interesting to search countries with a high vax rate. I'm not sure the data bears out - I'm thinking something is going on in New Zealand if they are not burying this info...