Those involved at the top levels however are beyond the reach of any court.
Zuckerberg is an obvious link to the rigged election in Racine. If he is not indicted, surely those with more power and resources than him will not be.
Anna Makanju and Brad Smith are two of his key advisors, and both are closely connected with Racine. One is more linked with Soros and the other is more linked with Bill Gates.
Durham also knows about Crowdstrike, The Groundwork and Timshel. Why is it named that? Obama and Hillary Clinton know why.
All of the elites know about Racine. All of them. It is their secret Root and model, and is the ultimate Litmus test for anyone investigating the rigged election, COVID, Agenda 21 and 2030, the big tech and social credit agenda, or the real agenda of global and eternal enslavement. When JFK was speaking of the secret societies behind the scenes, he knew they met in Racine.
When the branches of a corrupt and dysfunctional government fail, and the military does not intervene, the Root must be exposed, the agenda must be revealed, and the Mark must be denied.
This is also when the the first outbreak of H1 flu occurred, the Roswell incident happened and when Hillary Clinton was born, among many other things. There is something very significant to the year 1947.
Durham certainly knows about Racine.
Those involved at the top levels however are beyond the reach of any court.
Zuckerberg is an obvious link to the rigged election in Racine. If he is not indicted, surely those with more power and resources than him will not be.
Anna Makanju and Brad Smith are two of his key advisors, and both are closely connected with Racine. One is more linked with Soros and the other is more linked with Bill Gates.
Durham also knows about Crowdstrike, The Groundwork and Timshel. Why is it named that? Obama and Hillary Clinton know why.
All of the elites know about Racine. All of them. It is their secret Root and model, and is the ultimate Litmus test for anyone investigating the rigged election, COVID, Agenda 21 and 2030, the big tech and social credit agenda, or the real agenda of global and eternal enslavement. When JFK was speaking of the secret societies behind the scenes, he knew they met in Racine.
When the branches of a corrupt and dysfunctional government fail, and the military does not intervene, the Root must be exposed, the agenda must be revealed, and the Mark must be denied.
Jesus Christ and The Truth are the only way.
I found this article. But I can only be there momentarily before I get an error message & kicked off
Timshel Is based in Chicago - ties them to Obama. The word is Hebrew for "you shall"
Groundwork is tied to killary & DNC
What is the Law of Thelema?
Do what thou wilt... Sick satanic shit
Aleister Crowley Died in 1947... isn't that the same year the CIA started?
This is also when the the first outbreak of H1 flu occurred, the Roswell incident happened and when Hillary Clinton was born, among many other things. There is something very significant to the year 1947.
That is correct.
Here's an archive of your article. If you can't read an article just paste the link into and it will save a copy for you
Thank you!!!