posted ago by ghostclown ago by ghostclown +53 / -0
  1. Get rid of the VP
  2. Appoint New VP
  3. Get rid of POTUS
  4. New VP takes office.

The new VP (now new POTUS) has no direct connection with the fraudulent election and was appointed to POTUS by the Constitution.

I'm not making a prediction. I'm just suggesting this is or was a possible (contingency) plan. Plans can change and plans can be disrupted by enemies.

Plus: Remember the 2016 election. During the Republican Primary they asked that long line of candidates if they would concede if they lost to Hillary. Everyone proudly raised their hand except Trump. Then during the general we start seeing the narrative that Hillary had dementia (sound familiar?) and that she was ill. I think they were setting up the same escape plan but they never got to execute on it of course because Hillary lost. I don't recall hearing anything about Hillary's dementia after her loss.

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