As a Packer fan... I'd love to see him take the team to the Super Bowl! a big FU to the woke slimes that infect the league. it's fun to go places in Wisconsin and see just how few people actually wear masks anywhere... yes, there are a few china-virus-karens here and there... but fewer every day... i went into Minneapolis today and about 30-40% of the people have not yet pulled their heads out of their asses yet.... they are a slow bunch... but hey... afterall.. they did vote in democrats for the last few rounds.... with the help of a certain machine run by a certain company north of the border...
As a Packer fan... I'd love to see him take the team to the Super Bowl! a big FU to the woke slimes that infect the league. it's fun to go places in Wisconsin and see just how few people actually wear masks anywhere... yes, there are a few china-virus-karens here and there... but fewer every day... i went into Minneapolis today and about 30-40% of the people have not yet pulled their heads out of their asses yet.... they are a slow bunch... but hey... afterall.. they did vote in democrats for the last few rounds.... with the help of a certain machine run by a certain company north of the border...