Top result When Searching Smallpox (CDC), It's... Like.... They.... Know... 👀
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lies on lies on lies on lies
Some truth here. Natural smallpox went away.(I believe it was caused by a toxin) BUT people got small pox after that DUE TO the vax. My sister got it from the vax in grade 9. It was in 1969 or 1970. She almost died and she NEVER returned to school because she missed so much time, had severe headaches and many scars including on her face. Reading more about it lately and finding that it was probably the treatments/care she was given by medical staff that was responsible for the number of scars and for it almost killing her. The acidic 'lotions' and tight wrappings wouldn't allow the toxins from the postules to drain. Vitamins, and warm sponge baths would have been much better. So again, she got it FROM the vax and the treatment made it much worse.
In my best Dr Fauci Voice:
“Even though we have a vaccine that eradicated small pox decades ago, it’s not strong enough. With my stock options at….uhh I mean with my friends at Pfizer, we are developing a new better vaccine. It’ll block small pox for 1 minute, then will require 200 booster shots a year per person after we slow the spread for 2 weeks leading to 2 years. During the slow the spread 2 week to 2 year period, you’ll have to wear an entire WWII style gas mask indoor, outdoor, in the shower, in the pool, in the desert or on Mt. Everest and change the filters every 20 min, and after each of your 200 booster shots. This is the best way or else we remove your rights beyond your right to live period!”
I was offered it at work in my 20’s but refused cause I didn’t want a scar. That and if you got sick, you couldn’t use sick leave.