I certainly agree with your first statement. The local police, local prosecutor (we already know about him) and the judge should have taken steps to make sure these people trying to intimidate jurors and tamper with the jury are charged.
Is there a courthouse anywhere that doesn't check for weapons on anyone entering, especially during a high profile murder trial? And you know what, they shouldn't be put in a position where they feel they have to arm themselves.
Absolutely. There was a great quote from one of the attorneys on rekeitalaw.com livestream a while ago, to paraphrase, that we have no justice system if mobs can gather outside a courthouse and threaten jurors deliberating outside.
Here's the link if you haven't watched them. Terrific analysis and commentary.
I certainly agree with your first statement. The local police, local prosecutor (we already know about him) and the judge should have taken steps to make sure these people trying to intimidate jurors and tamper with the jury are charged.
Is there a courthouse anywhere that doesn't check for weapons on anyone entering, especially during a high profile murder trial? And you know what, they shouldn't be put in a position where they feel they have to arm themselves.
Absolutely. There was a great quote from one of the attorneys on rekeitalaw.com livestream a while ago, to paraphrase, that we have no justice system if mobs can gather outside a courthouse and threaten jurors deliberating outside.
Here's the link if you haven't watched them. Terrific analysis and commentary.