FBI & CDC investigate ‘smallpox’ vials at big pharma facility:
Bill Gates calls for $1 billion WHO pandemic task force to carry out “germ games”:
FDA already approved a vaccine against Weaponized Smallpox months after Bill Gates mentioned it:
What's up?
😓 oh its coming. Brace for impact
The next Plandemic?
Nov 9: Bill Gates warns of smallpox terror attacks as he seeks research funds https://www.independent.co.uk/news/science/bill-gates-smallpox-terror-attack-b1951245.html
Nov 4: Up to Approximately $113 Million of Oral TPOXX® Targeted for Delivery to the U.S. Government in the Fourth Quarter - Form 8-K https://www.marketscreener.com/quote/stock/SIGA-TECHNOLOGIES-INC-10830/news/Up-to-Approximately-113-Million-of-Oral-TPOXX-Targeted-for-Delivery-to-the-U-S-Government-in-the-36908708/
“...TPOXX, also known as tecovirimat and ST-246, an orally administered and IV formulation antiviral drug for the treatment of human smallpox disease caused by variola virus.”
Anything the CdC has in it's possession should be an alert to all, sketchy.
And his wife and kids are safely isolated on an island while he helps unleash hell. Everyone needs to be praying—I mean spiritual warfare kind of prayer. These people are so evil.
The pitcher plant is supposed to be a natural cure for smallpox, or more precisely, similar to Ivermectin, a natural preventative for viral replication of the disease.
The seeds I ordered just arrived. Hopefully I am able to grow what I need for immediate friends and family and in time for their next war games.
What do you do with the plant and does it prevent smallpox or just treat the sores?
From what I understand, it inhibits mRNA synthesis or doesn’t allow it to replicate. I bought some concentrated liquid just in case. Since it works like an antiviral, I’m going to make an educated guess and say it’s similar to ivermectin. Between this new info and the increase in shingles, herpes, etc., I’ve started taking l-lysine daily in my vitamin regimen now.
Anyone better at comms than me able to chime in?
They supposedly found six vials of smallpox at this site. In July 2014, they supposedly found six vials of smallpox at a random facility in Belarus/somewhere near Russia. 2014 had a lot of spicy events, like Isis forming the Caliphate, the Malaysia flight disappearing, and the Ebola outbreak.
Is this comms? I am wondering if it is, partially because the CDC reported vials of variola in a cardboard box found at the NIH on July 1, 2014. The very next day, Nicolas Sarkozy was formally charged with corruption in France.
FBI & CDC investigate...investigating what the fact that the CDC gave the FBI the vile's of smallpox and that the FBI is so fucking stupid they got caught?
Is there a wet market near the pharma facility in Philadelphia? Asking for my fellow citizens.