FBI & CDC investigate ‘smallpox’ vials at big pharma facility:
Bill Gates calls for $1 billion WHO pandemic task force to carry out “germ games”:
FDA already approved a vaccine against Weaponized Smallpox months after Bill Gates mentioned it:
What's up?
Anyone better at comms than me able to chime in?
They supposedly found six vials of smallpox at this site. In July 2014, they supposedly found six vials of smallpox at a random facility in Belarus/somewhere near Russia. 2014 had a lot of spicy events, like Isis forming the Caliphate, the Malaysia flight disappearing, and the Ebola outbreak.
Is this comms? I am wondering if it is, partially because the CDC reported vials of variola in a cardboard box found at the NIH on July 1, 2014. The very next day, Nicolas Sarkozy was formally charged with corruption in France.