Sounds like they are setting the narrative for small pox...
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Small Pox virus was originally defeated by infecting people with a less harmful pox... Cow Pox. The immune system learned to recognize and produce antibodies to cow pox (and Small Pox).
Likely, whatever re-introduction of Small Pox they have planned will likewise be defeated (at least for those of us with a still functional immune system) by infection with a different less lethal pox. (chicken pox, cow pox, etc... ).
I would think that Ivermectin, Quercetin, HCQ, Zinc and Vitamin D3 will all be needed. Stock up.
In the meantime, invest in NASDAQ SIGA, since that's what the leftists will be doing.
Whoever designed the Covid mRNA "vaccines" already knows that the Small Pox virus is fatal in roughly 30% of cases in a HEALTHY population.
However, if you have a population where 55% of adults stupidly took a "vaccine" that seriously damaged their natural immune systems, a release of Small Pox can be 90% to 100% fatal within that vaxed portion of the population.
Don't think it wasn't planned. Those who released the mRNA "vax" and insisted that everyone take the mystery injections... had this planned.
Don't even think about them developing a Small Pox vaccine that everyone can quickly take. It will probably just be another mRNA immune system destroying vax that will do far more damage than good.
Small pox would be more difficult to transmit than COVID or flu, since it relies on closer person-to-person contact. BUT, it would be a great excuse for local lockdowns.
Here’s a link to a thread discussion on here a few days back....
Including remedy discussed....
I wonder how we can start preparing now, outside of ivermectin and the same regiment we have for covid. I work for the DoD and a hospital. I've inquired. You CANNOT get a smallpox vaxx currently, unless you work in one of the two labs that holds it. We need to prepare.
Before Covid there has to my knowledge been 1 bio terror attack in the last 30 years and that was a Ricin attack on the Tokyo Subway in the mid 90s.
All these Alquaeda and ISIS never attempted one.
No accidental leaks from Porton Down or other such laboratories.
A drum maker died of Anthrax in Scotland a few years back, but nothing else.
There is a guy carpet bagging around the globe desperate to sell some shady stuff, a bit geek like where’s glasses and a lilac pullover. He might be the one to watch.
Smallpox was fazed out during the early 70s. So even if you didn’t weaponize it and used the same old formula that only Bill Gates owns. Anyone under let’s say 45 years old does not have the antibodies.
Their goal was always the children. So if this gets out we are back under lockdowns and a perfect cover story for the financial collapse.
This was part of their playbook step 9? If Covid fails they burn the whole world down and it’s a free for all.
Yet another fake "virus" with absolutely NO BASIS IN REALITY. When are we gonna wake up?
"Smallpox" is the body pushing out poisons through the skin that the liver, kidneys and lungs can no longer handle.
The cause of "smallpox" is/was severely poisoned water, poisoned air (smog) as well as human waste and sewage on the streets. This has been definitively proven dozens of times. Full stop.
Clean water, plumbing and sewage treatment cures smallpox. What a shocker!
FBI = Shady shit going down.