455 How Q Tricked The DS Before The Mueller Probe and Distracted Them From The True Start Of Durham's Investigation (media.greatawakening.win) Q-analysis! posted 3 years ago by SemperSupra 3 years ago by SemperSupra +457 / -2 48 comments download share 48 comments share download save hide report block hide replies
Do you ever check out Phil Godlewski? I have just seen some of his q&a shows I think you’d like it based on this response you go deep he does too.
Phil claims he helped build the q movement from the inside yet has provided ZERO proof he’s involved with anything other than real estate and texting minors. That guy is sketchy at best
I’ll keep your warning in mind as I continue to discern his intentions.
This is one of those random internet things you read that you wish you'd come up with.
I'm writing this down.
Phil is full of sheeeeeit....guy is a professional larper.
I have been told this name by others too, I will definitely check it out, thanks.
I used to follow Phil. I stopped once I found about his court case involving him grooming a 15 year old girl....