Can you guys spot the secret message John Lennon was trying to send us?!
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As for Paul McCartney, later on in his life he has all the hallmarks of being a DS pawn or atleast an useful idiot. From his knighthood I am inclined to believe that he is higher up in the puppet hierarchy.
We see the conflicts between founders just like between Paul and John all the time and I now have a new theory about this. Once a talented team shows promise if they happen to attract the attention of a Cabal agent, they will get guided towards success and stardom. However at a certain point they will start asking them to be part of their secret society (like freemasons), but its still nothing nefarious. However, this initiation is meant as a filter to find out who would be suitable candidates for grooming further into Satanism.
Along this path certain founders just do not like this and either refuse to get into it, or pull back after getting into the initial stages. At this point the other founders can see the huge stardom right in front of them with only a few pesky steps in between, and the founder who is holding them back from that. This is what manifests itself in the outside world as some kind of ideological difference between the founders.
Your interpretation of "no possessions" from Hinduism/Buddhism perspective is very accurate. I would say it goes beyond the fact that you cant take things with you after death / spirits being held back in afterlife.
The Buddhists state that Desire of material possessions is the root cause of all misery. This is a very simplistic interpretation and when you go deeper into it, what it says is that the more deeper your attachments to the material world, the harder it is for you to find enlightenment. Its okay if you do own the material possessions, as long as you are not so attached that the thought of parting with it is painful.
You can see this all the time, even amongst billionnaires. No matter how much they have they are never happy and they want more. On the other hand you have people like Trump who have everything, yet dont care if they lose any of it. He would not have been able to take this job if he was deeply attached to his wealth. He proves the point that you can still enjoy everything this world has to offer and yet not be seduced by the possessions.
Well, after talking about this with you, I can go back to listening to "Imagine" without feeling guilty or angry!
Awesome dude great talk and agree on all points, have a good thanksgiving.