500 MSM has started throwing Kamala under the bus: Biden + KH + 25th = Who will be the new Resident ? (media.greatawakening.win) posted 3 years ago by bubble_bursts 3 years ago by bubble_bursts +500 / -0 146 comments download share 146 comments share download save hide report block hide replies
How many Anons agree with me that Biden's 25th is coming close, but they want to replace Kamala the placeholder with someone new?
And who will it be? Pelosi? Killary? Cabal factions will kill each other trying to get the prize ?
This same thing happened under Nixon when the Cabal got rid of Spiro Agnew, clearing way for Ford + Rockefeller admin.
How do you 25th an illegitimate occupying force?
Can't be the 25th.
Law of War 11.3
It's all part of the show. Hope you got good pop corn
She’s becoming “President” today. I know Trump is still POTUS. She will introduce him this evening.
Pelosi has been setting herself up in all the negotiations and efforts via Continuity of Government. She wants the title and benefits and none of the responsibilities ( she puts this all on Joint Chiefs )