Deep-Fried-Twinkie Lady is so desperate for her life to mean something (other than the deep fried Twinkies, of course) that she's latched on to a Progressive lie and has embarrassed herself in front of the nation. Now all her Prog friends can congratulate her on how WOKE she is.... yawn.
Num num num num num.........
Hahahahahaha!!! Salty featured this sow last night. Delicious indeed.
there once was, property ownership.
Deep-Fried-Twinkie Lady is so desperate for her life to mean something (other than the deep fried Twinkies, of course) that she's latched on to a Progressive lie and has embarrassed herself in front of the nation. Now all her Prog friends can congratulate her on how WOKE she is.... yawn.
I have bar of soap I'd like to stuff in that person's mouth.
"Freedom Toons" has a good take on this.
Saw the video OP video first...
I read that at first as "Freedom TONS"
Nothing wrong with having Tons of freedom.
She seems nice.
One of the rare occasions when that heiffer puts her 20 dollar order from McDonalds down to reee! at her camera, let your food stop your mouth!
Hopefully she remains fully vaccinated, as in jab #3.
As beautiful on the outside as she is on the inside. And with a mouth that would make a sailor blush. And the brains of a fuctional retard.
Man this women is the total package.
Am I the only grinnin' thru that entire thing wanting moar?
why are they always so ugly?
This is a terrifying video of a bellowing pork elemental, viewer discretion is advised.