I agree. I do not want a TV show to talk over the lawyers, judge, witnesses, or commercials. Just a live feed of the action, as if we were in the courtroom. Like the old days when they had a live feed and a 8 foot dish that would pick up so many channels.
I agree. I do not want a TV show to talk over the lawyers, judge, witnesses, or commercials. Just a live feed of the action, as if we were in the courtroom. Like the old days when they had a live feed and a 8 foot dish that would pick up so many channels.
Not a live feed, but updated documents: https://www.courtlistener.com/docket/17318376/united-states-v-maxwell/?page=3&
Other updates: https://www.justice.gov/usao-sdny/united-states-v-ghislaine-maxwell
Absolutely. Nothing like a chaser of elicit sex after displays of wanton violence. Amirite? Kek!
Lets see how sick this shit gets. 10 bucks says someone had sex with a dog and AOC got mayonnaise hair from the DNC heads.
Is it just me or is America becoming a perverse soap opera?