How the fuck can CNN spin this this way? They KNOW who guy is. They already have all his fucking socials. They know everything about this guy. THEY AREN'T EVEN CALLING THE DEAD CHILDREN VICTIMS. THEY AREN'T EVEN SUGGESTING THE MURDERER DID ANYTHING WRONG
🧠 These people are stupid!

See the word “may?” It means “I can write whatever I want, facts be damned.”
Thanks, Obama (specifically the Smith-Mundt Modernization Act that he signed, which allows the media to do things like this without liability)
I love how the fact checkers insist that the Smith Mundt Act did NOT allow for the propoganda to be weaponized against the American public.
Because that's exactly what a propoganda network would say lol
“May” have been leaving the scene after raping a 5 y/o boy
News organizations usually write things like "may have" or "allegedly" because they are not the deciders of guilt, the courts are. Even when there's clear footage of a person doing a crime, news organizations still must say those things like "allegedly" because otherwise it's distinct libel, having written someone is guilty of a crime they haven't been found guilty in court of. So this is all normal, standard writing about crimes, even down to the high school journalist level.