How the fuck can CNN spin this this way? They KNOW who guy is. They already have all his fucking socials. They know everything about this guy. THEY AREN'T EVEN CALLING THE DEAD CHILDREN VICTIMS. THEY AREN'T EVEN SUGGESTING THE MURDERER DID ANYTHING WRONG
🧠 These people are stupid!

Important distinction. He's black AND he's a shitbag.
The MSM never gets behind someone that's black that has a clear criminal record. In the past five years, there have been several black people (clear criminal records, upstanding people) who have been killed by the police in very suspicious circumstances. But the MSM/politicians NEVER get behind those people because it would create unity. Look at the people on this board. Race/skin color is invisible to 99.9% of us and if someone of any color was brutalized, we'd be furious.
But black and a pimping, pedophile POS? That's gold to those who would create division.