I simply cannot emphasize enough how important this is to read.
I thought I was awake and well-informed, but holy shit; the information in here made me realize I've still got so much waking up to do.
I can just about guarantee you don't truly understand the full scope of what our satanic, communist enemy is attempting with their "Great Reset" unless you have read this.
It is absolutely horrifying, but we ALL have to read and heed it.
Please post your thoughts & feedback.
Yes, it is a bit on the longer side, but nothing worth having comes easy.
God Bless y'all.
The thing is whites have families, bills etc. They will try and keep things glued together as long as possible. But once things start falling apart and there is nothing to lose, well CNN was right for once, there really is nothing scarier than a pissed off white man.
Fuck I hope so.
For the love of God; and I've prayed to him;
Please show me a non-violent solution to this.
Please show me other times in history when people have voted themselves out of situations even half as bad as what we now find ourselves in.....
I just don't see it, and God hasn't shown me anything but the alternative solution.....