No, that's just what they appear as from the outside. If you understand symbolism and that Luciferians run the world, they don't sound crazy at all. They didn't commit suicide, they faked their deaths.
What cabal controlled (ie luciferian and or freemason) agency was complicit I helping them fake their deaths.
I remember seeing video of the bodies laying all over the place in their suicide compound.
So if they faked their own deaths, someone in media, law enforcement, and coroner's office had to be complicit in signing of that the fake bodies were the heaven's gate group and not just props.
I remember this quite well, they killed themselves to leave their bodies and hitch a ride on a spaceship that was hiding behind the incoming hale-bopp comet, or so they thought.
Yeah, I saw comms about Hale-Bopp returning, which made me look in to Heaven's Gate. A lot of their content seems to be highly relevant.
"We don't know if you believe in the real existence of negative or "lower" forces. If you do, then you may be able to understand or relate to some of what we are about to say. It seems that how your "programming" permits you to see or identify those forces, determines the limit of your acceptance or understanding. Many believe that there are "evil" acts or even "evil" individuals, but would draw the line before they would believe in evil spirits, evil discarnates, negative influences, malevolent space aliens, "Luciferians," or Satan and his fallen angels."
You just have to understand when they say stuff like "space aliens" they are using symbolism, not talking about beings from another planet.
I actually followed this before it became a news story before they killed themselves. I was in my 20's hanging out in the conspiracy chatrooms on a regular basis, disgussing the cult. I wouldn't draw the same paralel you are with Q.
It's possible I'm wrong and they were given half truths to convince them to commit suicide, but so much of the cult's philosophy is actually incredibly accurate if you apply the right cypher, it makes me think there is more to it.
It's generalized enough to attract both the religious and the new age crowd into it. It also had tones of scientology woven in. Unfortunately a good cult leader knows how to attract people, knows which buttons to push, and knows how to be vague enough to let their subconcious minds do the rest.
No, that's just what they appear as from the outside. If you understand symbolism and that Luciferians run the world, they don't sound crazy at all. They didn't commit suicide, they faked their deaths.
About the faked their deaths theory.
What cabal controlled (ie luciferian and or freemason) agency was complicit I helping them fake their deaths.
I remember seeing video of the bodies laying all over the place in their suicide compound.
So if they faked their own deaths, someone in media, law enforcement, and coroner's office had to be complicit in signing of that the fake bodies were the heaven's gate group and not just props.
I remember this quite well, they killed themselves to leave their bodies and hitch a ride on a spaceship that was hiding behind the incoming hale-bopp comet, or so they thought.
Yeah, I saw comms about Hale-Bopp returning, which made me look in to Heaven's Gate. A lot of their content seems to be highly relevant.
"We don't know if you believe in the real existence of negative or "lower" forces. If you do, then you may be able to understand or relate to some of what we are about to say. It seems that how your "programming" permits you to see or identify those forces, determines the limit of your acceptance or understanding. Many believe that there are "evil" acts or even "evil" individuals, but would draw the line before they would believe in evil spirits, evil discarnates, negative influences, malevolent space aliens, "Luciferians," or Satan and his fallen angels."
You just have to understand when they say stuff like "space aliens" they are using symbolism, not talking about beings from another planet.
I actually followed this before it became a news story before they killed themselves. I was in my 20's hanging out in the conspiracy chatrooms on a regular basis, disgussing the cult. I wouldn't draw the same paralel you are with Q.
It's possible I'm wrong and they were given half truths to convince them to commit suicide, but so much of the cult's philosophy is actually incredibly accurate if you apply the right cypher, it makes me think there is more to it.
It's generalized enough to attract both the religious and the new age crowd into it. It also had tones of scientology woven in. Unfortunately a good cult leader knows how to attract people, knows which buttons to push, and knows how to be vague enough to let their subconcious minds do the rest.
Look at that...I just happen to have 5.75 in my pocket.
Didn't this cult self castrate themselves?
Yep, some members voluntarily did. Considering we now know the world is run on sexual blackmail, this makes a lot more sense.