They want you to focus on Kyle Rittenhouse and what happened in Waukesha, because both stem on racism. They need you to pick a side and pick eachother apart like roosters in a hen house, while the farmer grinds his blade for you and your children's necks.
The CDC approved the dangerous COVID vaccines for over 50 million children ages 5-11 to get mandatory vaccines. Which will fully destroy their natural immune systems to only fight one specific virus and NOTHING ELSE. Not to mention injury complications and death.
We should be sharpening our blades against the kings in the ivory castle, and not against each other. This is the most important time in American history, and we're butting heads over.... race and ethnicity? Grow up. Grow up for your kids, they're looking at you for protection and all you can do is chug beer and complain about Kyle Rittenhouse and or a Black Man running people over in his truck.
This is all sophisticated manipulation, and if you don't prepare now, you're going to lose.
Call him a flat earther next, that'll really show him!
Nah I'm open minded to flat earth ever since discovering the highest level Freemasons consider it one of the most closely guarded secrets.
I've still never seen a comprehensive flat earth model that explains seasons and lunar cycles simultaneously though. So until I do I can't be entirely convinced of flat earth.
My point is that you're effectively playing the "sleeping normie" "muh conspiracy theory" card of "you think this thing I disagree with? You must also be a big dumb anti-vaxxer flat Earth moron!!!!"
Also, there's an infinitely higher chance that Kyle is a false flag setup than there is of the Earth being flat. If either of you need to be put in the looney bin it would be you. Though in my view neither of you do.
Or just downvote me and not justify your stance. That's cool too....douche
I'll admit while I usually try not to downvote and reply (rather pick one or the other), I did downvote your first comment pulling the "conspiracy theorist" card. I didn't downvote your second reply or any of the others, however.
Nah is a classic example of baseless allegations with no evidence provided to support it.
And although it's probably more likely that Kyle is an actor and the whole Kenosha killing was a false flag than flat earth being real, there's no say to quantity the likelihood of each and thus no way to assign a figure to the greater percentage likelihood of one over the other.
Sounds like you think Kyle is an actor and he never killed anyone though. Maybe try sharing your rationale as to why?
The difference between you and me is I didn't pull the conspiracy theorist card when I disagreed with people claiming that Kyle is fake (nice assumption on what I think of Kyle though (based on literally nothing I might add)).
And the likelihood for the flat Earth is 0, similar to the likelihood of the vaccine being safe and effective being 0. They've both been confirmed to be false time and time again. People always like to bring up the "there should be a discussion instead of shutting it down" argument. The problem is that the discussion has already been had. Flat Earth lost. Many times. Rehashing the discussion will never change that.
That's in contrast to Kyle being a fake, false flag, actor, whatever which is somewhat possible however unlikely.
So effectively one has a possibility of being true while the other doesn't. Possible vs impossible. Hence, "infinitely higher chance".
Ancients in cultures around the world believed in a flat earth. Early Christians believed in a flat earth because they considered it Biblical. Today we believe that is primitive thinking because we are all taught a heliocentric solar system with Mary's Violet Eyes Make John Stay Up Nights Period beginning in elementary school. And the flat earth models that we often see look ridiculous, like you would fall off the edge. BUT look at the UN logo. It is a flat earth map. The "scientists" who changed the belief of a flat earth to a globe spinning around every 24 hours, hurtling through space orbiting the sun every 365 days and a bit, and tilting on an axis to account for seasons, were Freemasons. Freemasonry denies the existence of the Biblical God. Look for the square and compass in drawings of Copernicus et al.
Getting back to the topic at hand, the vaccine death cult is in the process of murdering/maiming/sterilizing our children in a sacrifice to Moloch, and there are too many stupid parents who don't understand what is going on. They are going to pay a high price for their ignorance. Already some kids have been hospitalized. Even the schedule ties in with the satanic calendar. FDA authorization was coordinated with Halloween and the hoped for double jabbed coordinates with Christmas, which has always had pagan tie ins alongside the Biblical birth narratives. Fauci wants to start jabbing babies and toddlers within the first quarter of 2022. I think the littlest ones will prove to be the most vulnerable to the poisons.
Selenelion Eclipses,
There are many proofs that we are not hurdling through space spinning at thousands of miles per hour. Perhaps one of the simplest signs that we are being lied to are the rare Selenelion Eclipses, well documented, where both the sun and moon are visible in the sky at the same time, yet an eclipse takes place, proving that we are not on billiard balls floating around casting shadows on eachother.