Q using a Lincoln quote to say "together we win" would indicate that they disagree. I'd think Trump disagrees also. That's not to mention the fact that almost every single person left, right, R, D, Independent, non-political, and everyone else agrees that Lincoln was a good president. And the fact that he was attacked by the media of his time much like Trump is today. I mean hell, the media of today can barely touch him because it would completely destroy their credibility with not just awake people like this board, but all the normies and even the leftists who themselves try and claim he was one of them due to "muh party switch".
When 99% of people disagree with you, you might just be an extremist with fringe beliefs.
The South wouldn't have just rid themselves of slavery on their own. Their entire economy was built on the backs of black slaves. Their economic system wouldn't have survived without all the free labor of the exploited slaves. The South fought an incredibly bloody war against brothers over their "rights" to own other humans, and work them to the brink of death (or all the way to death). War is never a great option, and if the south didn't truly care about slaves, or if slavery was on its way out, they wouldn't have fought such a war in order to keep their slaves for the free labor to keep propping up their agrarian economy.
No, the party of Lincoln must live on.
Q using a Lincoln quote to say "together we win" would indicate that they disagree. I'd think Trump disagrees also. That's not to mention the fact that almost every single person left, right, R, D, Independent, non-political, and everyone else agrees that Lincoln was a good president. And the fact that he was attacked by the media of his time much like Trump is today. I mean hell, the media of today can barely touch him because it would completely destroy their credibility with not just awake people like this board, but all the normies and even the leftists who themselves try and claim he was one of them due to "muh party switch".
When 99% of people disagree with you, you might just be an extremist with fringe beliefs.
The South wouldn't have just rid themselves of slavery on their own. Their entire economy was built on the backs of black slaves. Their economic system wouldn't have survived without all the free labor of the exploited slaves. The South fought an incredibly bloody war against brothers over their "rights" to own other humans, and work them to the brink of death (or all the way to death). War is never a great option, and if the south didn't truly care about slaves, or if slavery was on its way out, they wouldn't have fought such a war in order to keep their slaves for the free labor to keep propping up their agrarian economy.
Who printed the books? Who pays to teach your children from the books that they printed?