Americone Dream!!!! Such tasty ice cream. I used to love watching The Daily Show and The Colbert Report briefly, just for mindless entertainment.
Such heartbreak that Colbert turned out to be such a diehard commie. Even Jon Stewart, who we all know is one of them too, at least tried when on the Colbert show recently, to expose the vaccines for what they are.
He won’t be able to defend himself in the streets
God. Colbert is such a faggy boi
Get jabbed faggot.
Maybe a few extra boosters
When you make all of us lawless, there is nothing stopping us from coming for YOU.
He is right! We should change the law for pedophiles. Death by sand flies. Race baiting lunatic.
Dancing vax man, @ Obummers birthday bash
So if all these pedos running free haven’t broken the law we should change the law
As much as the left claims to hate the police and corrupt judicial system, they are more than happy to use that system against you without mercy.
The law should allow open season on hacks like colbert. Two a day per hunter.
Americone Dream!!!! Such tasty ice cream. I used to love watching The Daily Show and The Colbert Report briefly, just for mindless entertainment.
Such heartbreak that Colbert turned out to be such a diehard commie. Even Jon Stewart, who we all know is one of them too, at least tried when on the Colbert show recently, to expose the vaccines for what they are.