Their vow is to God. Jesus said to render to Caesar what is Caesar’s . Pay the coin to the pagan government. Is that leading people away from God? The Pharisees tried to trap Jesus with this mentality. You can pay the coin but give to God what is His. The vow was to God and the submission to a church hierarchy is for love of God. That belongs to Him.
Does your father have the right to instruct and govern you? Who gave him that authority? Did the early Christians have an obligation to follow the apostles? Who gave the apostles that authority? Did that apostolic authority end there?? You are correct to disobey your father in as much as he causes you to disobey God, but don't undermine the God-given authority of his office because the occupant is an apostate. It would be fitting for the great apostasy to occur in the age where we can access all the information on what Christians believed for 2,000 years. I recommend you research the writings of the early Church, but don't turn away when you find it blatantly Catholic.
I agree, by virtue of being public heretics and/or apostates they lose their God-given authority, just as a father loses his authority if he becomes an idulterer or formally turns against the family.
There is no greater scandal to a family than a vicious father, just as their is no greater scandal to the world than apostate bishops and priests.
However, their apastacy is a turning away from traditional Christianity, which is unarguably Catholic. What makes them apostates is precisely what makes protestants protestant. They turned against the very traditions that God established and the Church preserved. The very traditions that preserved the faith and the faithful, and includes their office.
It wasn't an accident. Read Taylor Marshall's "infiltration" (which even Trump promoted) or many others to learn how it was an intentional Judeao Masonic conspiracy.
Their oath should be to God not man. This is why Catholicism is leading people away from Jesus.
Their vow is to God. Jesus said to render to Caesar what is Caesar’s . Pay the coin to the pagan government. Is that leading people away from God? The Pharisees tried to trap Jesus with this mentality. You can pay the coin but give to God what is His. The vow was to God and the submission to a church hierarchy is for love of God. That belongs to Him.
And so if the pagan government requires the vaccine, then what?
Pray always. The closer to God the better we see what to do. It will be different for everyone.
F***ing Truth. We are born of flesh and then of spirit. Rather, born from above.
Does your father have the right to instruct and govern you? Who gave him that authority? Did the early Christians have an obligation to follow the apostles? Who gave the apostles that authority? Did that apostolic authority end there?? You are correct to disobey your father in as much as he causes you to disobey God, but don't undermine the God-given authority of his office because the occupant is an apostate. It would be fitting for the great apostasy to occur in the age where we can access all the information on what Christians believed for 2,000 years. I recommend you research the writings of the early Church, but don't turn away when you find it blatantly Catholic.
I agree, by virtue of being public heretics and/or apostates they lose their God-given authority, just as a father loses his authority if he becomes an idulterer or formally turns against the family. There is no greater scandal to a family than a vicious father, just as their is no greater scandal to the world than apostate bishops and priests. However, their apastacy is a turning away from traditional Christianity, which is unarguably Catholic. What makes them apostates is precisely what makes protestants protestant. They turned against the very traditions that God established and the Church preserved. The very traditions that preserved the faith and the faithful, and includes their office. It wasn't an accident. Read Taylor Marshall's "infiltration" (which even Trump promoted) or many others to learn how it was an intentional Judeao Masonic conspiracy.