We had folk-tales how our most lieing politician went to physician with throat problems. Physician looked, looked again in disbelief and concluded: haemorrhoids! Politician: how can be, those are the illness of the other end? Doc: nope, they are cunning, grow everywhere where lots of sh*t passes...
Funny. My wife is left of center. She HATES Hillary. She said that "Stand By Your Man" Bullshit was nothing more than Hillary wanting to hang onto power. Any self-respecting woman would have Divorce Bill for the humiliation he put Hillary through. My wife voted for Bill Clinton twice. My wife was furious that she had to vote for Trump twice. She said she had to leave the Democratic party because they have gone into socialism which leads to Communism.
That does not look like HRC. I won't say that this isn't HRC but I will say this: If any public figure did get swapped out with a double, the double wouldn't have to look a whole lot like the original to be accepted. Because this woman does not look a whole lot like HRC.
A recent conversation involved the topic high profile people with 'official' cause of death due to vaccines. Can you imagine that? Their final 'act in life' to serve as a warning and wake up to others.
For now I am still believing the theory that she has Parkinson's. It can cause a swallowing problem that makes her aspirate saliva. Think about how you cough uncontrollably just like that when you accidentally breathe in some water.
She was choking on the bullshit coming out of her mouth.
We had folk-tales how our most lieing politician went to physician with throat problems. Physician looked, looked again in disbelief and concluded: haemorrhoids! Politician: how can be, those are the illness of the other end? Doc: nope, they are cunning, grow everywhere where lots of sh*t passes...
Remember her coughing fits all through the 2016 debates?
Funny. My wife is left of center. She HATES Hillary. She said that "Stand By Your Man" Bullshit was nothing more than Hillary wanting to hang onto power. Any self-respecting woman would have Divorce Bill for the humiliation he put Hillary through. My wife voted for Bill Clinton twice. My wife was furious that she had to vote for Trump twice. She said she had to leave the Democratic party because they have gone into socialism which leads to Communism.
That does not look like HRC. I won't say that this isn't HRC but I will say this: If any public figure did get swapped out with a double, the double wouldn't have to look a whole lot like the original to be accepted. Because this woman does not look a whole lot like HRC.
Really because the real Hillary is the only one who coughs like that.
Looks like a man
Hope they had a glass of water for her to release the kracken she coughed up in to
Nice sentiments , kind of pissed that most of them will die of natural causes or death other than hanging but at-least they will b gone ,
3600 For those who decide to save the taxpayers some money. There is no escaping God. Q
All part of the show I'm sure... Moving along
Don’t forget the spawn of all these creatures are no better: Chelsea, Soro’s children, Rothschild’s, Rockefeller’s, Gates.
She's been coughing like that for 3 years
A recent conversation involved the topic high profile people with 'official' cause of death due to vaccines. Can you imagine that? Their final 'act in life' to serve as a warning and wake up to others.
For now I am still believing the theory that she has Parkinson's. It can cause a swallowing problem that makes her aspirate saliva. Think about how you cough uncontrollably just like that when you accidentally breathe in some water.
Remember when she coughed up that giant lump into the glass a few years ago?
and then drank it