If it wasn't an Explosion, then WHY is it expanding???
On the other side, if it wasn't an Explosion, then it was simply Created by a Superior being, aka God, and it exists only by Gods Will alone, aka MAGIC....
On another side, IF there in fact was an actual Explosion, it was done by Gods Will, and BANG!!
At first there was Darkness, then the Explosion happened, creating FRICTION and Heat, and the HEAT made Fire, and the Fires were giving LIGHT, they are now called Suns and Stars and all sorts of other Round things....
Chaos does NOT ever create Order, that NEVER happens....
But, Intelligence and Intelligent programming does create Order out of Chaos, hence the Masonic Motto, Ordo Ab Chao....
Ordo ab Chao should be the Motto of every Man, of each and every one of us, as WE are the wardens of this Planet......
As a Man, It is ones responsibility to Control ones Surroundings should they become chaotic, and help or force them back into good order ASAP....
I learned this and many other things as a child, but, have never been in or part of the Masonic dizziness...
Have you ever personally seen any evidence of an explosion?
Please tell us about that person who allegedly measured red shift and extrapolated that supposed measurement into a full blown creation myth...
If it wasn't an Explosion, then WHY is it expanding???
On the other side, if it wasn't an Explosion, then it was simply Created by a Superior being, aka God, and it exists only by Gods Will alone, aka MAGIC....
On another side, IF there in fact was an actual Explosion, it was done by Gods Will, and BANG!!
At first there was Darkness, then the Explosion happened, creating FRICTION and Heat, and the HEAT made Fire, and the Fires were giving LIGHT, they are now called Suns and Stars and all sorts of other Round things....
Chaos does NOT ever create Order, that NEVER happens....
But, Intelligence and Intelligent programming does create Order out of Chaos, hence the Masonic Motto, Ordo Ab Chao....
Ordo ab Chao should be the Motto of every Man, of each and every one of us, as WE are the wardens of this Planet......
As a Man, It is ones responsibility to Control ones Surroundings should they become chaotic, and help or force them back into good order ASAP....
I learned this and many other things as a child, but, have never been in or part of the Masonic dizziness...
It's Cowboy philosophy....