Haven’t been able to get through to the antibody clinic yet; while I know that the survival rate of this thing is incredibly high, I am scared. I’ve got asthma, and some endocrine dysfunction that I’m worried will make this far tougher to get over.
I’m also scared I may have given it to my parents, who have blood pressure and kidney problems. Haven’t been around anyone who has tested positive, but here we are.
Please pray my family and I make it through this unscathed. I know my odds are good, and that God’s got this but I’m still a little terrified.
Dear NogginJogger:
I was scared to try it because it seemed weird, but when breathing difficulties got progressively worse, I said "this or the hospital" and this made a near-immediate improvement to breathing, mental fatigue, physical fatigue, and sleep patterns. Everything available OTC, inexpensive. For what it's worth, don't forget about this treatment-
Peroxide nebulizer https://www.spiritofchange.org/nebulized-peroxide-a-simple-remedy-for-covid-19/ Archived peroxide nebulizer: https://archive.md/SvEEm
Don't give in to fear.