Hey look I wouldn't be here on this site if I didn't think u guys were on to something with the globalist cabal. So I take all the connections and theory of her being controlled OPPO seriously. But we can't get caught up in our own group think and be skeptical of someone who may not be the enemy.
As someone who comes from a minority background I hold an inense disdain for the media trying to portray all whites as racist white supremist because if a few during a period when were were still figuring ourselves out as a country. The white English men who built this amazing country should never be tarnished and there has been no place better on earth for someone of minority status than the US. And the fact they're trying to program ppl to think this way bothers me a lot.
So forgive me if I believe when someone who is speaking out against the media trying to portray all white ppl as racist. I just feel relieved that someone is airing my grievances. Also I hate the fact they're promoting degeneracy and the vilification of our founding fathers. America and her ppl are the best country in the world and I don't want to see it being taken over by communists.
Ur getting upset that America could become communist but in reality it was part of a grand scheme to establish a new order of the ages globally so global communism and the founders like Ben Franklin were luciferians. I still think ur a shill tho ill be watchin u
imagine actually caring what women think they literally have 15% smaller brain wake the fuck up man
Hey look I wouldn't be here on this site if I didn't think u guys were on to something with the globalist cabal. So I take all the connections and theory of her being controlled OPPO seriously. But we can't get caught up in our own group think and be skeptical of someone who may not be the enemy. As someone who comes from a minority background I hold an inense disdain for the media trying to portray all whites as racist white supremist because if a few during a period when were were still figuring ourselves out as a country. The white English men who built this amazing country should never be tarnished and there has been no place better on earth for someone of minority status than the US. And the fact they're trying to program ppl to think this way bothers me a lot. So forgive me if I believe when someone who is speaking out against the media trying to portray all white ppl as racist. I just feel relieved that someone is airing my grievances. Also I hate the fact they're promoting degeneracy and the vilification of our founding fathers. America and her ppl are the best country in the world and I don't want to see it being taken over by communists.
the dudes who built America had a secret plan in mind the revolution was literally set up by occultists, its ok https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1o-i-09gHX4
Idk what to say to that. But that thought almost leads to a similar place of being taken over by the communist and them hating america
Ur getting upset that America could become communist but in reality it was part of a grand scheme to establish a new order of the ages globally so global communism and the founders like Ben Franklin were luciferians. I still think ur a shill tho ill be watchin u