It appears that every single popular website on the internet has been taken over by commies, globalists, bigots, devil worshippers, libtards, SJWs, cancel culturists, Bernie fans, AOC simps, climate change tards, vax worshippers, atheists, fake scientists, fake doctors, quacks, frauds, cheaters, liars, etc etc etc.
Seriously. Name one website that is a household name that is not owned by globalists. Gab isn't quite big enough yet. And it's censored. My grandma tried to use the word in an innocuous post on Fakebook and she was suspended for 12 hours!
There is a way to bypass all these. If we create our own host providers, our own section of the DNS, that doesn't go through AWS, Google Cloud, iCloud, Cloudflare, or any other distributor/top-level hiddenhost, we could operate behind the scenes without any censorship. They wouldn't be able to block our urls if we use certain protocols that virtually inhibit all blocks (the US government uses some of these but the patriots are on our side and they would support us).
Anyway, back to the meat of the message. We need real, comprehensive internet penetration, not just niche sites here and there. We so far have the following (that I know of):
- Gab (definitely the largest but there are not many leftists on there and we can't assume that conservatives are 99% of the US)
- Conservapedia (it should be renamed RINOpedia but at least it doesn't push climate change and other woke garbage. probably because its completely dead and we should just fricking start over!)
- Guilded (a Discord-like site that was made specifically to counter Discord's censorship policies and rival it, and the current CEO seems to be right-leaning)
- Drudge Report (not enough penetration, popular among boomers and the older conservatives)
- AmericanThinker (another news website. it's awesome, but where are the more important things like Maps, Cloud, etc?)
- TGP (I love this site but, like all the others, it has low penetration and I hadn't heard about it until I found this place!)
- Conservative Tree House (just like the above)
Look at this. Out of the top 100 "conservative" websites, we have garbage like Fox News, Blaze, Sean Hannity, Glenn Beck, NewsMax, WSJ, Washington Examiner, and just about every deep state RINO POS you can think of!
Why don't we have networks like Google or Apple? They don't have to be as complex or as modern, but they hold monopolies.
Browsers: Brave is good but it still tracks you!
Search Engines: DDG is trash and I can't find any search engine that doesn't track you.
Social Media: Gab, Guilded
Entertainment: maybe Rumble or Bitchute.
We have no websites that amount to much in the areas of web portals. music playing, document creation and sharing, picture editing, online drives, Cloud, top-level host router, gaming, data sharing, online encyclopedia, video sharing, maps, real news, social news, blogging, education, e-commerce, email, hosting, sports, dictionaries, historical, scientific, dating, Q&A, web directories, image sharing, forums, advertisement vendor, petitioning, crowdfunding, web design, and tons of other topics that don't come to mind.
No web portal even? How are we supposed to find anything then? This movement has been growing substantially over the past year. We are worldwide. Has nobody else wanted these things? I'll be first in line to help develop any of these things. I have experience in website design and I write well. I have administered two wikis on Fandom that gained a lot of traction and run themselves. I learn quickly and I want to do something for the good of everyone. But I can't do it alone.
We have to start somewhere! Are we going to just sit here and gripe about people calling our sources fake news? Or are we going to build a legitimate shadow internet that is built to RIVAL THE ESTABLISHMENT? Are we going to be keyboard warriors and mememakers or are we going to get off our rear ends and start doing something that will speed up the process of destabilizing the reigning world order and kill their chief propaganda outlets?
Michael Flynn said to get involved? Who's with me? LETS MAKE THE WORLD GREAT AGAIN!
I really have to point out to people who keep saying that, that even if you create a brand new site that is objective and does not have any kind of content that makes the leftists uncomfortable - you are still not going to attract even a fraction of normies for two reasons:
As soon as you allow posting content that is objective, it will turn away a lot of leftists who have been programmed to think that objective = racist extremism
Most leftists got on popular platforms not for politics but for fluff - like following celebrities, cooking shows, gardening shows, sports etc. If you want to attract this population, you have to create a platform that provides this kind of fluff content, and a extreme amount of it.