I was having a debate with a friend. He said he doesn't see a way off of the FIAT banking system.
That if we goto a gold standard. That would limit the supply of money.
And that would hurt us.
What are your thoughts on this?
I was having a debate with a friend. He said he doesn't see a way off of the FIAT banking system.
That if we goto a gold standard. That would limit the supply of money.
And that would hurt us.
What are your thoughts on this?
BTW, read up on the objections people had to ending Slavery in the South. OMG the world was going to f*cking end! Any entrenched system that benefits one group at the expense of others (and which has become normalized and propagandized into an Important Part of Society) makes a LOT of people go crazy at the thought of changing it.
Moving back to HONEST MONEY would break a lot of BAD and corrupt institutions but when the dust settles, honest people will greatly benefit.
Imagine no more $trillions for needless aggressive war, no more $trillions for the Deep State to subjugate us with, no more $trillions being created out of thin air to shrink the value of our every dollar. Imagine prices going DOWN gradually over time, as happened in the first hundred+ years [for the most part] of our history.
That's what happens with a gold standard. There are better and less-good ways to implement such a standard, but as long as it's not fiat, it beats the heck out of what we have now.