Last week I posted on this board that I verbally resigned from my woke fortune 500 financial institution. Today I formalized and submitted my written resignation effective Dec 31. It feels good.
The past week was crazy emotional to say the least - after 20 years with my firm I'm leaving some very good people behind. But I refuse to spend any more time with a company that is imposing vax mandates and, from my standpoint, is on the wrong side of history. I told management that they might as well quit too as the company will be litigated into oblivion (a little dramatic but could be true) with all the civil rights and constitutional violations.
I'm leaving a lucrative position with 2 kids in college so not the best time to leave - It's in Gods hands now and I know all will be OK. By stepping out of the matrix for real today I only hope that I can wake up a few folks on my way out. For the next month my new job at my firm is to red-pill-the-fuck out of as many colleagues as possible. Wish me luck.
I am in the process of doing something similar but from a different type of institution.
It's left me slightly disorientated until I watched this interview with Riccardo Bosi, who I already knew about, but had not seen being quite so raw. He is ex-Special Forces who has sacrificed everything to set up a new political party in Australia to, as he states quite literally, "take back his country". Rarely do we see such passion and sacrifice. Quite possibly the most inspiring hour of video content / interview I've ever seen during this whole epoch. He really goes ballistic around 20 minutes in but the entire interview is awe-inspiring and deeply motivating so I recommend watching from the start. This will add fuel to the fire clearly already raging in your heart, and I commend you for your courage, integrity and contribution to the struggle, a struggle that we will all be entrenched in soon enough.
I think our (U.S.) hope for military being the way, is if the "Space Force" is able to arrest the top brass of the other branches, and charge them with treason. However, the recent discharge of the Space Force officer who spoke out about marxists in the military is not a good sign (but perhaps it's just a false deflection to make the DS feel they have nothing to worry about).
i really think the space force might be one of the keys. it's very rare that a new branch of the military gets created. In modern days, more and more technology is reliant on things in space, between GPS and satellite internet, that the branch of the military who controls space is likely who can completely use the communication and navigation advantage to defeat everything else who is compromised.