Last week I posted on this board that I verbally resigned from my woke fortune 500 financial institution. Today I formalized and submitted my written resignation effective Dec 31. It feels good.
The past week was crazy emotional to say the least - after 20 years with my firm I'm leaving some very good people behind. But I refuse to spend any more time with a company that is imposing vax mandates and, from my standpoint, is on the wrong side of history. I told management that they might as well quit too as the company will be litigated into oblivion (a little dramatic but could be true) with all the civil rights and constitutional violations.
I'm leaving a lucrative position with 2 kids in college so not the best time to leave - It's in Gods hands now and I know all will be OK. By stepping out of the matrix for real today I only hope that I can wake up a few folks on my way out. For the next month my new job at my firm is to red-pill-the-fuck out of as many colleagues as possible. Wish me luck.
You will be amazed at the gifts which God will bestow upon you for leaving the Matrix. I was booted out of the USG a couple months ago, for reasons still not clear, though the vax is most likely top of the list, given the dynamics. In an impossible string of blessings, I took a great position in the private sector, sold my house, bought a new one, and am almost complete with moving from DC after many decades. We couldn't feel more blessed and protected. My work in DC is done, time to go.
Glad you got outta there 🙏💕
Yes - he does. And these sorts of posts are amazing and more important than ever.
Integrity means everything. If you break from yourself you loose that self respect and with it what I call “forever joy”. Screw what anyone else thinks - you respect and love yourself a bit less. In such it becomes easier to fall prey to darkness and the slide of further compromising yourself.
OP - I love you. Keep this up. Restore Honor & Integrity. Everything we care about depends on this.
That is so true brother. I must comment, your posts always bring me positivity and thought. Continue doing what you are doing, and on your personal path of enlightenment, God willing.