They're trying to normalize pedophilia because they are child rapists. They are trying to normalize looting because they are thieves. They are trying to normalize racism because they're racists. They're trying to normalize murder because they have killed millions. They're trying to normalize satanism because they are Satan worshippers.
They are trying to normalize poverty because they are morally bankrupt.
We need to normalize Christian morals.
We also need to recognize how thoroughly corrupted our churches have become and take a very Berean approach to our faith.
The end times will be characterized by a mandatory one world religion. Many scholars and old dead reformers recognize that religion as being Catholic in origin due to parallels with church history and prophesies of Daniel 7 and Revelation. We need to be careful that any pendulum swing back not result in mandatory belief AND that it result in rejection of false doctrines already present in the church.
God gave the angels free will and is such a strong proponent of it He allowed Lucifer to rebel. He gave mankind free will and allowed mankind to fall. God does not want man to become mindless meat robots repeating ritual motions of "worship." He desires that we know Him in truth and spirit, that we wrestle with Him as Jacob did. He desires we love Him for His glory and goodness and worship Him for love of Him.
Love requires choice.
A one world system of mandatory religion is no choice at all. That is why such will be the case in the end times. It's in the prophesies of Revelation 13.
Agree. The Bible has told us what's coming. I try to stay firmly anchored in Jesus, reading the Bible and praying and not worrying about the things of this world that I cannot control. My choice is to follow Jesus come what may. He died for me and my sins and I accept that I may have to die for believing in Him some day. That will no doubt be difficult but I've asked Him to strengthen me and my faith so that I can honor Him in death too. God bless you.
One interesting thing about the harlot who rides the beast, she wears all the same colors as the Hebrew priest described in Exodus except for the color blue. Jews were commanded to put a blue thread in the fringes of their garment to remind them of God's law. The harlot will not have God's law.
God's law is founded in the 10 Commandments. What churches think they can change God's law or that reject all or some of the 10 Commandments?