I had the same experience at Walgreens. Asked to talk to the pharmacist who said that it's a personal choice that if she didn't feel comfortable filling the script, then she wasn't required to fill it. So, since I am a physician and have studied this intensely, I schooled her in the merits of ivermectin. At the end of the day, she still refused. And even though I'm a physician, I still can't get access to ivermectin without paying $500 from an Mail order pharmacy in India that AFLD sent my script to.
So I'll stick with my horse paste.
Its available dissolved in isopropyl alcohol as a drench for livestock which is absorbed through the skin. They sell it by the barrel. Would be interesting if it was safe to take that way. Bright blue tho if I remember right.
My original complaint with the AG was regarding the shortage of ivermectin, they intentionally were not stocking enough for demand. I know this cause a simple call to the manufacturer let me know there was plenty.
I had the same experience at Walgreens. Asked to talk to the pharmacist who said that it's a personal choice that if she didn't feel comfortable filling the script, then she wasn't required to fill it. So, since I am a physician and have studied this intensely, I schooled her in the merits of ivermectin. At the end of the day, she still refused. And even though I'm a physician, I still can't get access to ivermectin without paying $500 from an Mail order pharmacy in India that AFLD sent my script to. So I'll stick with my horse paste.
Got mine from Mexico. Took about 3 months. Thought it might be illegal, so I was expecting law enforcement to come knocking on my door.
Its available dissolved in isopropyl alcohol as a drench for livestock which is absorbed through the skin. They sell it by the barrel. Would be interesting if it was safe to take that way. Bright blue tho if I remember right.
My original complaint with the AG was regarding the shortage of ivermectin, they intentionally were not stocking enough for demand. I know this cause a simple call to the manufacturer let me know there was plenty.