President Trump..." I watched that craggy smug face of Woodward as he"bullshits" the public and said to myself, "I wonder if history will really believe this stuff?"...
🚔 Crime & Corruption 💸

History will have to notice how 80% of the nation ignores the Main Stream Media and don't read their lying newspapers or listen to their "reporters" anymore.
When people ask in the future why the USA no longer has anything but propaganda that nobody listens to... they will eventually reach the truth. The media committed suicide by becoming so corrupt.
You can thank Obama and Biden for the propaganda onslaught after 2011…
Their administration repealed the Smith-Mundt Act (Jan. 1948) which Truman signed to keep the media from using propaganda against the American people…
Now why would a government wanna use propaganda on its people ? Mockingbird? MK Ultra?
exactly, one of the first orders of business if/when we take back the House in 2022 should be to reinstate that Act.
I'm thinking about running for the House next year (depends on what happens with my job and mandates). Definitely a big talking point to bring up.
So many are unaware of this shit. They bitch and moan about misinformation but made it legal lol
Wait… was Truman good? I thought he was cabal.
I think they were all controlled to some degree.. but it’s a good question ? Any Truman Autists out there ?
He also allowed PhyOps to be run on American citizens
Do you really think that 80% of this nation does NOT watch MSM ??? If you think that's true you are truly living I'm this echo chamber way to much. Yes the MSM are catering, but 8 out of 10 people ignoring them. Your dreaming.
It may not be 80% but all of their viewerships have dropped dramatically. Problem is we don't yet have a comparable network to challenge all the stupidity - people like us have to go to 'alternate' sources in our quest for what's really going on. Hopefully the new 'Truth Media' platform that is being spoken about will come out sooner rather than later and be able to get into the normie's homes...
That's exactly it...A lot of people can't be bothered to find alternate credible sources for the news...much easier to just watch the MSM...
Yes, 80% ignore Main Stream Media. They may watch the channels, but most realize that they are just pushing leftist propaganda crap.I
There is a big difference between letting MSM play in the background and actually believing what they say. Most people understand it's just lies and propaganda. That's why the MSM has such a hard time selling the Covid "vax". That's why they had to cheat so badly in the 2020 elections. Even most minorities aren't believing a word they say anymore. They've told too many lies too often.
You could be right. However, one possibility that you may not have considered is that some Liberals who absolutely hate Trump got tired of the shitstorm of news and turned it off. People who used to watch news everyday couldn't handle it any more, because it pissed them off too much. I know because I've talked to some. This was before the whole pandemic bs.