LIN WOOD Releases FULL account of Patrick Byrne Thanksgiving phone call. DEFINITELY WORTH A LISTEN!
👀 EYES ON! 👀
First: courtesy u/GridSquaresBoxOf
Second: courtesy u/GridSquaresBoxOf
My detailed notes:
Sidney's Defend the Republic is a for profit. She's got millions of dollars and gave herself stock options. weird
Patrick says he and the Flynns walked after 11 days because she didn't want to put in proper accounting standards. Was going to give Pat a bank account to manage with about a million bucks, but not the whole thing. Pat was unclear about how much she really had.
The FL Sec of Agriculture that handles filings for organizations said that Sidney hadn't filed the fee, $1500, but just send the money and it would be cool. Sidney was pissed and said she wouldn't pay instead of admitting she'd slipped up. Pat shared this to illustrate the incompetence.
The Cyber Ninja guy Doug Logan was not up to the job. It was really too big for him. Pat's American Project organization financed them to do the Arizona audit. He says the AZ state senators were holding up the audit going to the AG.
Sidney came on to Pat drunk and was pissed he wasn't into her. He claims she started rumors about how he hurt her, etc.
Lin said he's never seen Sidney drunk and she says she loves Jesus. Pat says she plays it up for his crowd.
Lin says Mike Flynn is making $25-$50K per speech and people ought to know that. Lin says Mike Flynn boldfaced lied to him about being involved with Pegasus. In 2016, Flynn received a million dollars from Pegasus, a spyware company now being sued by Apple.
Lin says that Mike Flynn and Tracy Beanz wanted Lin to run for SC Republican Chair, but never talked him up or really promoted him. Lin says that it's not about him, but just thinks it weird to put him up to doing it and then never mention him again. Brian Cates works under Tracy Beanz and does unflattering stories on Lin
Lin says Mike Flynn is talking like he's more interested in running for a big office in 2024 than fixing 2020.
Pat says Mike Flynn gives endorsements for people after having coffee with them for 15 minutes when asked what's up with Vernon Jones and his checkered past.
Larry Johnson, affiliated with Joe Flynn is deep state according to Lin, as is Prosobiac, MTG, Doug Billings, Jim Penrose, David Hancock.
Pat says he doesn't know anything about his American Project giving five million dollars for Kyle. Lin claims Joe Flynn texted him things that gave him that impression.
At one point, Pat tries to ask if Lin would be willing to do legal work for him. (Of course that would enact lawyer-client priviledge and silence Lin from talking about him and related things.) He kind of worked it in such that I wonder if that was his mission in calling.
Pat ends the call with saying that in 2006, the Senate Judiciary Committee deputized him to investigate systemic corruption in the United States because it was too much for them to handle. He's got a letter.
Pat says he'd love to come back to Tomotley. Lin says that would be great.
I don't think he's going now:)
The point about the stock options is not actually indicative of fraud and is irrelevant. If you register a business on LegalZoom you will get a letter telling you that you are the primary holder of the stock for that corporation.
When you give everyone the impression you're running a nonprofit it is. Both Pat and Lin agreed that it was very strange given the circumstances.
A number of charities are organized as for-profits. Its not necessarily bad. We don't have enough information to say whether Sydney was over-paying herself or doing bad things with it.
One of the things mentioned was that she was using the money to defend herself in the lawsuits and actions against her after making the kraken suites. She might not have that flexibility to use the money to defend herself if it was a non-profit.
Well, of course Pat could be lying about her, but he was there two weeks with her and couldn't make heads or tails of how much money was in the organization. He didn't think he was getting into a for profit charity, and was taken aback when he found out.