The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention have devised a set of rules pertaining to the classification of infectious disease and death. These rules simultaneously inflate the number of covid cases in the unvaccinated and allow hospitals to classify dead vaccinated people as “unvaccinated” deaths.
Hospitals and laboratories are required to follow these rules and report official covid-19 data based on these rules. It appears that these rules were designed in a way to conceal the number of covid cases in the vaccinated and to conceal the number of deaths caused by the covid-19 vaccines.
This has been going on for awhile. This is how they fudge the numbers. Soon it will be no booster = unvaxxed death.
My favorite way to not die, is to be actually not vaccinated.
I'm safe until they reclassify living to dead.
how else can they sweep it under the rug
My dear niece, who has listened to me over the last few months said exactly that about the vax "it takes time to be effective" I countered with "BUT, there are people dying from it 2 days after the jab" she was vewwy, vewwy quiet after that..
What else is new?
So... you can't have it both ways. Either you collect your $$ for a hospitalized "COVID-19 death", or your list them as something other than COVID on the death certificate. Which will it be? As usual, follow the $$.
The two Israeli whores of Satan who run our CDC should fuck off back to Israel.
Fucking child sacrificing Kabbalah witch sluts!
You called a spade a spade. I'm an uninformed npc on GA. Reeeeeeeeeeeeeeee.