Not my choice. No way to suck the poison back out. Tough times likely ahead. Billions injected. You will need to harden your heart if you wish to survive. Many will not. Sorry, it's just the way it is.
You're right you cannot suck the poison out, but you can heal from it. The same treatments for covid also fight the vax.
I know someone who was pretty destroyed from the first Pfizer shot. In a few months of immune system building protocols they are recovering.
Don't write off the vaxed, encourage them to focus on their immune system. People getting sick while being vaxed has been one way I have found to get people to listen. Keep focusing on your immune system, and they'll listen to that.
They're saving their lives by rebuilding their immune system to fight covid, but they're really repairing their bodies from the harm the vax caused.
But none of us are able to divine the true Intent of the vaxx-pushers. Should they simply prove to be overconfident, overzealous, greedy fools; your scenario makes perfect sense.
Based upon all that I have observed, based upon their words and teachings (the globalists), based upon the policies I have seen them push, based upon the many different types of harm we have seen manifested; all within the framework of sytematic socio-economic destruction; benign intent is no longer plausable.
Really? No coddling? You haven't been paying attention to the sjw PC leftists that are overly sensitive because the whole participation trophy shit? Go look at a democratic socialist convention, they can't even take clapping. Let alone mean words. And they act like spoiled brats who never got disciplined so lash out rudely and violently expecting one sided respect while they show nothing but disrespect. That's what being weak does. Too much compassion is a weakness, the fact is life is survival of the fittest which is why the most aggressive dominate because if you worry about others first you don't eat. They don't deserve compassion because they don't have any themselves, it should be reserved for the ones who deserve it like the ones forced to take it or people in currently ran concentration camps.
Not my choice. No way to suck the poison back out. Tough times likely ahead. Billions injected. You will need to harden your heart if you wish to survive. Many will not. Sorry, it's just the way it is.
You're right you cannot suck the poison out, but you can heal from it. The same treatments for covid also fight the vax.
I know someone who was pretty destroyed from the first Pfizer shot. In a few months of immune system building protocols they are recovering.
Don't write off the vaxed, encourage them to focus on their immune system. People getting sick while being vaxed has been one way I have found to get people to listen. Keep focusing on your immune system, and they'll listen to that.
They're saving their lives by rebuilding their immune system to fight covid, but they're really repairing their bodies from the harm the vax caused.
100% truth right there.
But none of us are able to divine the true Intent of the vaxx-pushers. Should they simply prove to be overconfident, overzealous, greedy fools; your scenario makes perfect sense.
Based upon all that I have observed, based upon their words and teachings (the globalists), based upon the policies I have seen them push, based upon the many different types of harm we have seen manifested; all within the framework of sytematic socio-economic destruction; benign intent is no longer plausable.
What treatment?
You have seen nothing yet. Cruel to be kind. Where has coddling gotten us?
I have held stangers hands while they were alone and dying
I have seen a man die while 20 inches from his face, looking into his eyes and seeing the life leave.
I have sewn up and washed the body of a dead toddler.
I have risked my life and saved those of strangers.
I know what you are saying, substitute harden with toughen.
Never Mind, Really. Go in Peace and the best of luck.
Really? No coddling? You haven't been paying attention to the sjw PC leftists that are overly sensitive because the whole participation trophy shit? Go look at a democratic socialist convention, they can't even take clapping. Let alone mean words. And they act like spoiled brats who never got disciplined so lash out rudely and violently expecting one sided respect while they show nothing but disrespect. That's what being weak does. Too much compassion is a weakness, the fact is life is survival of the fittest which is why the most aggressive dominate because if you worry about others first you don't eat. They don't deserve compassion because they don't have any themselves, it should be reserved for the ones who deserve it like the ones forced to take it or people in currently ran concentration camps.