The kids & adults dying & being injured right now could be easily prevented, if someone with a big voice and a huge following would speak up, someone not afraid to stir this pot.
Maybe these reported deaths are lies too, idk
Edited to add... I thought I was woken up to warn others but coming from me - it has made no difference.
Children 5-11 have only had access to the Covid vaccine since mid October 2021... meaning we're only seeing the tip of the iceberg when it comes to how many children have been ritualistically sacrificed by the New World Order.
That's true, but ALL kids matter don't they?
The kids & adults dying & being injured right now could be easily prevented, if someone with a big voice and a huge following would speak up, someone not afraid to stir this pot.
Maybe these reported deaths are lies too, idk
Edited to add... I thought I was woken up to warn others but coming from me - it has made no difference.