Sorry but no. I will not capitulate. I will fight until we win or I am dead. Even if that means participating in a fraudulent system. Because if we have enough people like me light will be shed on their crimes.
Voting gets you on their list. Vote or write in Patriot party members only. I will not support D’s or R’s no matter what or you are supporting the deep state. I’ll be writing in my candidates name. We can win that way. That’s how that RINO got elected in Alaska.
Voting is participation in a fraudulent system. Time for non-compliance. Resist until the enemy starves to death.
Sorry but no. I will not capitulate. I will fight until we win or I am dead. Even if that means participating in a fraudulent system. Because if we have enough people like me light will be shed on their crimes.
Voting is capitulation. Fighting is active resistance to overthrow the tyrants.
I can do both.
If we hadnt voted in Nov. 2020 there wouldnt be an awakening happening.
Voting gets you on their list. Vote or write in Patriot party members only. I will not support D’s or R’s no matter what or you are supporting the deep state. I’ll be writing in my candidates name. We can win that way. That’s how that RINO got elected in Alaska.