Between hyperinflation and vax mandates it’s hard for me to be motivated in my general life.
I was a really goal oriented person when Trump was in office but right now with the Resident in it just feels in many ways pointless to make long term goals. I mean with both the DS and the Patriots needing the dollar to implode I just don’t feel motivated to strive for better currently cause it just seems pointless.
My life is pretty much oriented to avoiding the jab and trying to accumulate as much prepping materials, silver, bitcoin, Ethereum, GME and DWAC as I can. My semi normie Dad last night asked me where my drive in life has gone but it’s hard to explain cause he doesn’t really get what is going on.
Until the storm passes idk how I am supposed to make any long term goals.
Anyone else feel the same?
I am in the same boat. Because the government has decided that the citizens are now the enemy, the social contract has been broken. Why would I work a job just to pay taxes to my executioner, until I know that this bullshit is over I wont work a job until I have to. I loaded up with as much DWAC as I could accumulate and bought as many canned goods as I could store and I have been taking one day at a time. I have gone on a crusade to find the truth about what is actually going on and during the last 6 months I have been researching full time. To be honest I do think patriots are in control, why else would jack dorsey and all these high profile names be resigning, microsoft ceo selling 50% of his stock? If they were the ones in control they would not all be resigning, I think the new variants are codes that the patriots are sending worldwide patriot forces surreptitiously through the world health organization, I do not have the legend on what these codes all mean but I think the show is progressing. I really think we will get confirmation sometime in February or March 2022. I think DWAC is a military operation, just like facebook was a military operation and handed to the private sector for cover. Truth is launching in february 2022, ghislaine maxwell trial will be over by 2022, the federal government is supposed to run out of money in december, evergrand collapse has just begun, pcr tests are stopped being used after december, could the reveal happen before 2022 midterms? I think when all is revealed the stock market will collapse but there is a chance DWAC could moon when the normies all figure out at once what we all have gleaned, or once they find out trump is actually president. There is also a chance that mohomad bin salman who controls all the powerful social media investors could decide to pull out of twitter, facebook, etc and plow it all into a certain other company at a certain time. There seems like there may be a massive storm happening soon, anyone playing the game does not get a free pass, hang in there kitty, the truth will set you free.