Here in the UK, in my country Wales we have supposed 'Covid Passports' which you can circumvent by typing in any old LFT QR code, and a mask 'mandate' that 50% aren't doing and no-one is bothering enforcing.
I don't believe The Plan was about unilaterally saving the entire world. We always had our own part to play too. And sadly, the populaces of these two CUNTries have brought this entirely upon themselves. Sorry to be uncharitable, but don't bother coming crying to us at the last minute.
Hypocritical asswipes!!...rules for thee kind of thingy...
Bring out the pitchforks!
Let them eat vaccines!
First the Austrians and then today the Swiss.
Here in the UK, in my country Wales we have supposed 'Covid Passports' which you can circumvent by typing in any old LFT QR code, and a mask 'mandate' that 50% aren't doing and no-one is bothering enforcing.
I don't believe The Plan was about unilaterally saving the entire world. We always had our own part to play too. And sadly, the populaces of these two CUNTries have brought this entirely upon themselves. Sorry to be uncharitable, but don't bother coming crying to us at the last minute.
How about as austria cowers and accepts another lock down with meekness.