My mother-in-law recently had to take her mother to the ER where she was admitted. Turns out she had a blood clot near her heart. The doctors initially thought that she'd had a reaction to the "vaccine", but then my mother-in-law informed them that she had not taken the "vaccine" (because I got to them before CNN could and talked them out of it and now they're completely against it). The doctor then proceeds to try to convince my mother-in-law and her mother to take the "vaccine" because it's "safe" and "effective". She basically just laughed at him. The "vaccine" is so safe it'll give you blood clots apparently! Makes perfect sense!
Comments (15)
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They're perfectly safe Blood clots.
Mostly peaceful life threatening condition
Best comment 😂👏🏻
The blood clots are from global warming and the rise in potheads. There, you've been scienced.
"There, you've been scienced" I am stealing.
Seems legit
Obviously lol
Remember, the blood clots are how you know it's working......
Can people be this stupid? Unfortunately yes.
I thought people were stupid before the “pandemic”. Boy was I wrong.
Every time someone says "safe and effective" I feel like repeating it back at them like a backup singer. Some real Children of the Corn cult shit.
For real.
Shoulda let them think she was vaxxed. However, if it is so safe and effective, why oh why did they think she was having a vaccine reaction? It means they have experience with vax reactions in the ER. I am very scared now.
Exactly, that’s what I’m saying. Can’t be safe if they’re first thought was she was having a vax reaction