It's critical thinking time, folks. James Comey's daughter is "lead" prosecutor? What does that mean? See top comment. This case needs our best legal eyes on! 👀
🐸 OK, GROOMER! 🏳️⚧️

Exactly. The truth sets us free. The Roman Catholic way is to cover it up.
How the fuck have you managed to blame Christians for a Jewish child sex extortion honeypot scandal committed against a Christian nation?
First off, Rome is not Christian.
^^^ this
The same reason why some of the 2008 bailout money went to the same Irish banks that went bottoms up after giving non-recourse loans to Roman Catholic dioceses in the United States.
The Roman Catholic dioceses used the loan money to pay off the pedophilia lawsuits and then declared bankruptcy after the real estate market crashed. They reneged on their non-recourse loans, and the Irish banks received the real estate put up for collateral, which was now worth pennies on the dollar, and the US taxpayers bailed them out...
Peter Sutherland, father of globalism, came up with the scheme while he was with Goldman Sachs and also a financial advisor to the Vatican, no doubt. He knew exactly when the real estate bubble was going to crash due to his Goldman Sachs connections and used his connections in Ireland to get the non-recourse loans pushed through without any questions.
Go someplace and grow up. Asshole.
You can go to Rome, I’ll stay right here.