It's critical thinking time, folks. James Comey's daughter is "lead" prosecutor? What does that mean? See top comment. This case needs our best legal eyes on! 👀
🐸 OK, GROOMER! 🏳️⚧️

She's one of four "lead" prosecutors but this is just the media playing up this angle that she's on the team to begin with.
Brian Cates - Political Columnist: She is 'a' lead prosecutor according to the media. The prosecution team consists of the 1 or 2 team members who do all the arguing and evidence presentation in court so the jury can come to trust them and develop a bond with them. There are 1-2 other members who almost never get up and never open their mouths court. You don't have 3 or 4 members of the team do the arguing or the evidence presentations because that kind of prosecution by committee confuses the jury as to who is in charge of the state's case against the defendant. I'll be very surprised if Maureen Comey gets up and gives any argumentation in front of the jury.
By calling her the lead prosecutor all Jack is gonna do is confuse people when trial starts when the lead prosecutor who is not Maureen Comey gets up to give the opening statement.
Maxwell's attorneys at trial will be Jeffrey Pagluca, Christian Everdell, Bobbie Sternheim and Laura Menninger. I already know their names. This is called doing your homework.
The SDNY team intent on sending Maxwell to prison - and exposing the public officials who engineered both her and Epstein's walking from criminal charges back in 2006 and 2009 are: Alison G. Moe, Andrew Rohrback and Maureen Comey. EDIT: And I left out Lara Pomerantz.
So it's a team of four 'lead' prosecutors, if you want to put it that way. It's actually two main arguers with the other 2 in support.
Read up: https://www.miamiherald.com/news/local/crime/article256051297.html
BTW Julie K. Brown is the author of that article, and it was her series in the Miami Herald that got the Epstein case reopened.
Judge Nathan has granted Ghislaine Maxwell's request that evidence in the trial be redacted to hide 'sensational and impure' information
One week before the trial began, Chuck Schumer and Joe Biden nominated Judge Nathan to higher office in the US 2nd Circuit Court of Appeals
It`s in todays Miami Herald article - Nathan has carefully scrutinized document redactions proposed by both Maxwell and the prosecutors. She granted Maxwell’s request to keep secret undisclosed “sensational” information contained in the court documents and transcripts...
Yes, graphic sexual acts are going to be described in all their glory in the the court documents. I'm surprised anyone would want that stuff unredacted so the media could put it out there. We are able to try sex offenders in this country without having to graphically show pictures and verbal descriptions of what they did to their victims. Everybody freaking out should calm down.
I've followed Jack a long time. I'm pretty sure he's selling the cover up angle here, not the angle where the graphic sexual stuff gets redacted. He is a very devout Catholic. He doesn't want to see that stuff in the media coverage of the trial any more than I do. Only the jury will see it. I'm fine with that.
Holy shit. I just hit me. People think these redactions are for the JURY ALSO. Nobody knows how anything works. I'm taking a break to watch some football. Back later.
I'm not.
I don't need anyone to be my Net Nanny.
Give me everything and I'll decide what parts I don't want to explore.
Not all red pills are easy to swallow, but we must know the truth so we can protect our grandchildren from these Mossad Satanists when they try to pull this shit again.
Exactly. The truth sets us free. The Roman Catholic way is to cover it up.
How the fuck have you managed to blame Christians for a Jewish child sex extortion honeypot scandal committed against a Christian nation?
First off, Rome is not Christian.
The same reason why some of the 2008 bailout money went to the same Irish banks that went bottoms up after giving non-recourse loans to Roman Catholic dioceses in the United States.
The Roman Catholic dioceses used the loan money to pay off the pedophilia lawsuits and then declared bankruptcy after the real estate market crashed. They reneged on their non-recourse loans, and the Irish banks received the real estate put up for collateral, which was now worth pennies on the dollar, and the US taxpayers bailed them out...
Peter Sutherland, father of globalism, came up with the scheme while he was with Goldman Sachs and also a financial advisor to the Vatican, no doubt. He knew exactly when the real estate bubble was going to crash due to his Goldman Sachs connections and used his connections in Ireland to get the non-recourse loans pushed through without any questions.
Go someplace and grow up. Asshole.
You can go to Rome, I’ll stay right here.
Agreed. These hypocrites watch way worse on the porn channel Netflix I guarantee it.
As gross as it is, the world kind of needs to know almost exactly how fucking sick these people are... the transcript could be sterilized and medical-washed so it's not pornographic in nature. Saying "I don't think anyone needs to know" is a misnomer, in my humble opinion.
To clarify, I think needing to know certain truths are extremely important. Specifics, perhaps not... nobody really needs to know what went where and how many times. Aspects of the ordeal given in a more sterilized way I believe is absolutely critical to show what these people really are.
And that's the problem is that everyone DOES need to know.
Exactly. People can choose not to look or read into it. That should be each individual's choice. DO NOT FUCKING CHOOSE FOR ME. That's almost as bad as choosing to give me a vaccine (or not) without my consent.
The shock is going to come in the Generic Engineering part of this.
Do we honestly think it was just about sex? Easily the part that came forward into the public zeitgeist first and there is massively more.
How would a normie react when told “we replicate humans, design humans, and we Engineer People?
When a murderer is executed by the government the public deserves to know exactly why.
There is definitely no awakening without actual proof in front of their eyes. Redacting it on those grounds is yet another stupid "national security" type non-argument.
Does anyone want to see? No. But the world does need to see.
You don't have to get super graphic but at the same time, if you don't then you offer an avenue for them to escape.
Exactly this.
You are so concise here. I was able to follow all the points in your analysis with clarity. Thanks.
Let's see, Jim Comey was a loyal player to the Clintons, both of whom were getting frequent flyer points from Lolita Airlines. That fact alone makes me feel Comey's daughter should recuse herself. That she hasn't done so makes me very suspect of the prosecution. When coupled with the fact that Biden nominated the Judge to the court of appeals smells really bad. Was that a not-so-subtle message that her future advancement is conditioned on the outcome of this case? Being nominated only gets you in the door to the confirmation hearing. Party loyalty is the elephant in the room when it comes to getting the votes of all Dems.
I don't think he helped Clinton in the 2016 election. He screwed her over and she hates him for it. Not sure the Comeys will do anything to protect creepy HillBilly
Disagree. Comey had the power to arrest her and he didn't. He knew the truth about the uranium deal, he new about the Steele dosier, he knew about her using the Clinton Foundation as a personal piggy bank and how she sold out the country thru her private server and allowed those that paid, access to classified info. He knew it all and did absolutely nothing. He worked hand in hand with Loretta Lynch to cover it all up. I see his daughter as Comey 2.0. If she had an once of integrity she would recuse herself from the case completely. The fact that she hasn't tells me everything I need to know.
It should be clearly obvious that Comey is not there to prosecute. But to make sure the other prosecutors do not fully do their jobs. And to ensure certain information and truths never reach the light of public court.
Awesome coverage, thank you for the post. And yet it does not bode well with Comey's daughter as even co-lead; she could quietly demand weaknesses into their case, through subtle maneuvers.
I saw the sweet deal given Epstein in his first trial for the same thing, there are big names the DS wants to protect.
Who knows what kind of fuckery is afoot?